MONDAY to FRIDAY - 7:45AM - 5:00PM

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of our most frequently asked questions — answered!

Parent, Student are required to read the school handbook, which contains important information regarding our school policies and expectations. Please visit Champions Montessori Academy for a copy of the handbook.

Champions Montessori Academy has a zero tolerance bullying policy. If you have concerns, please speak with your child's teacher immediately. Our family handbook contains more information on our school policies and behavior expectations.

CMA School First Bell Rings at 7:45 AM, Class instruction begins at 8:20 AM, 11:40 AM for Lunch, 12:40 PM Entrance Bell and  at 3:30 PM Dismissal. School is in session Monday throuugh Friday.

Students can arrive on campus from 7am and participate in Early Care, which is included in your tutition. Early Care is available across all grade levels. Please communicate with Front Desk, or your child's teacher, for further information. *Parents are requested not to send their children too early to school. This is important during cold or inclement weather.

If your child needs to leave school early for an appointment, please contact the teacher and/or the front desk. Where possible, we ask for a minimum of one hours notice. At the scheduled time for pickup, your child will report to the front office and you will be able to sign them out. If someone other than a parent will be picking up your child, please make sure they are confirmed on your authorized pickup list prior to arrival. At the time of pick up, please park in a reserved parking bay and not on the red lines. You will be required to present a form of photo identification such as a valid drivers license. Until further notice, we are only permitting one family inside the lobby. Our trained security team will assist you when you arrive.

Better Lunch caters lunch for students across all grade levels. Lunch orders must be placed before 8:00 AM in order to be received on the same day. If a student forgets to bring lunch to school an emergency launchable lunch is available. Please refer to our CMA handbook for information. In the interest of safety, Champions Montessori Academy does not accept any deliveries by vendors.

Steps to making Payment 1.

From parents dashboard 

1. Get the parent username and password from the school office, visit with your browser.

2. Click on the login icon on the website and input the login details already gotten from the school office.

3. Click on dashboard  in front of the learners picture.

4. Click on Fees History 

5. Click on online pay 

6. Select fee type and choose paystack as payment Method 

7. Click on Fees pay Now

8. Select Transfer and then transfer to the account generated by paystack. 

Method 2: through learners dashboard 

1. Get the learners username and password from the school office 

2. Type the URL : on your browser

3. Put in your login details received from the school office

4. Click on Fees History 

5. Click on online pay 

6. Select fee type and choose paystack as payment Method 

7. Click on Fees pay Now

8. Select Transfer and then transfer to the account generated by paystack